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The Lowdown

Summertime Pullback: Buying Opportunity for Investors | Peter Lowman

As China’s economy falters, inflation continues to trend down in the US and there are grounds for optimism on this side of the Atlantic. The UK economy grew faster than expected in the second quarter, and the recent pullback is the perfect buying opportunity for those investors who have been playing it safe up until now.
Author Picture
Peter Lowman
August 15, 2023
4 min read
The Lowdown

Growth and stability for the markets?

The UK may have the highest debt interest costs in the developed world. The Bank of Japan made a surprise decision on its bond market and yield curve control, and Germany heavily invests in the semiconductor industry. Overall, the markets are enjoying some stability at last.
Author Picture
Peter Lowman
August 1, 2023
7 min read
Strategic Insights

Wealth building for the future

Wealth Manager Tom Fleming takes a look at wealth-building strategies for individuals at all stages of their careers, but especially for young people who are just beginning their professional lives. Consider sharing this guidance with your children to help them establish a strong financial foundation early on.
Author Picture
Tom Fleming
July 25, 2023
5 min read
The Lowdown

The US tames inflation

The US has successfully tamed inflation, unlike the Bank of England which faces the need for further interest rate hikes. The global economy undergoes a shift from a binary state to a more balanced one.
Author Picture
Peter Lowman
July 18, 2023
6 min read
Strategic Insights

Property or pension: the best investment choice

Property vs pensions, which is the better investment decision? Nick Rolf compares investing in property and pensions for retirement funding, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches, including tax benefits, potential returns, and risk factors.
Author Picture
Nick Rolf
July 11, 2023
8 min read
The Lowdown

Global markets in the first half of 2023

2023 has seen significant movement in global financial markets, with AI stock surges, a banking crisis, and relentless interest rate hikes leading to a rollercoaster ride for investors. IQ’s CIO provides a summary at the halfway point of the year.
Author Picture
Peter Lowman
July 4, 2023
8 min read