There is no one investment strategy that fits all. Our goal is to make your money work for you by ensuring your unique portfolio is constructed with the best possible chance of meeting your financial objectives and aspirations.
The key to our success lies in our ability to understand you, and what you want to achieve with your money. We then strive to exceed your expectations by delivering superior long-term returns.
You get two for the price of one. Our financial planning and investment teams work hand in hand to ensure your investments are aligned to meet your personal objectives. This is a key differentiator for us.

Our investment principles

Long-term investors

Investing for the long term maximises your chances to preserve and grow your wealth. Our approach gives you stability in rocky markets and a smoother, less emotional ride to achieving your financial goals. We adapt your portfolio as you go through key life events and make tactical short-term changes to take advantage of market opportunities.

Capital preservation

Preserving the value of your capital is our utmost priority. Our team of expert analysts underpin their investment selections with rigorous research, discipline, and due diligence. Our aim is to protect your money. Giving you financial security both now and in the future.

Respect for risk parameters

We will help you understand three things: how much risk you are comfortable taking, how much risk you can afford to take, and how much risk you need to take to achieve your goals. Your unique investment portfolio will be built in alignment with your attitude to risk and goals. We ensure a high level of liquidity, so you can access your money should you need to.


We pride ourselves on staying ahead of the curve. Your portfolio will get exposure to cutting-edge themes such as disruptive technologies, health innovation, automation, and the energy transition. Our innovative approach has the potential to deliver strong returns.

Conviction in our ability

The team at IQ invests their own money alongside yours. Aligning our interests with yours is the first step towards earning your trust.
How it works

Our investment process

We have a robust five-stage process for creating and monitoring your investment portfolio. Every stage is underpinned by rigorous research, discipline and conviction.

1. Setting the strategy

Our investment committee meets regularly to assess the macroeconomic environment and set the overall strategies for our investment portfolios. The committee draws on the analysis and due diligence provided by our investment team when formulating our in-house view.

2. Investment selection

We filter the global universe of investment funds across all asset classes down to 100. These form our ‘Centurion List’ – a selection of funds that are ‘best of breed’ in their respective specialist areas. Our tried and tested approach produces first-class investment solutions.

3. Asset allocation

We allocate capital across a variety of different asset classes to build you an all-weather portfolio that will ride out market storms. This approach helps us to minimise the risk within your portfolio and deliver superior returns.

4. Portfolio construction

Deploying the right mix of funds from the Centurion List into your portfolio depends on your attitude to risk, time horizon and investment objectives. Your portfolio will be well-diversified across asset classes, geographical regions and industry sectors. Most importantly, your funds will be accessible to you when you need them.

5. Ongoing monitoring

We will make strategic changes to your portfolio in line with changes to the economic environment. As you go through life events, we will adapt your portfolio to ensure it aligns with your goals.