Young professionals

Early career financial advice

Building assets, buying a property, or thinking about the future? We’re here from start to finish, helping you lay the financial foundations to achieve your life goals.
A young professional female looking for financial advice.

The benefits of financial advice for young professionals

As a young professional, you're at the start of your financial journey—developing your career and making plans for the future. Now is the ideal time to think about your personal finances. A bit of planning now will help ensure that time is on your side when it comes to reaching your financial goals.

Here are a few of the ways we can help you on your financial planning journey as a young professional:
Clarity of purpose
At Investment Quorum, goals-based financial advice and investing is at the heart of what we do. We want your financial plans to work for your circumstances and your plans.

So, the first thing we do is get to know you, and establish clear financial goals.  Whether it's buying a home, getting married, or even thinking about an early retirement - we make sure we understand what you want out of life.
Informed financial decisions
Your financial plan is the framework you need to be intentional with your money—and it can continue to work for you through all the seasons of your life.  We encourage you to develop healthy financial habits and empower you to make informed financial decisions.

As you encounter key turning points in your life, our financial modelling software can demonstrate the impact various financial choices may have on your future. Whether you’re considering starting a business, a family or climbing up the property ladder, our advice can help you feel secure and confident moving forward.
Investing for young professionals
As a young professional with a long life ahead of you, you’re in an ideal position to invest.  A long time horizon means you can persevere through market fluctuations, harness the power of compound interest, and potentially receive greater returns in the long run.

With this in mind, your dedicated team will educate you about investment options and strategies suitable for your risk tolerance and goals for the future. At Investment Quorum, this includes socially responsible investment options to align with your values.

Your team will build you a tailored investment portfolio and adapt it as you go through key life events, advising you on tactical short-term changes to take advantage of market opportunities.
Custom roadmap
We lay out a plan for exactly how you can reach your goals.

Using highly sophisticated financial modelling software, we illustrate exactly what you need to do to get where you want to be, in the timeframe you have in mind. We forecast the costs, find ways to grow your money, and advise you on how to protect your assets. We also help anticipate potential obstacles along the way.

This helps you to answer every day questions like:

- How much can I spend every month?
- How much do I need to save?
- What do I need in my emergency fund?
- What sorts of investments should I have?
- How much risk should I take?
Tax efficiency
The early days of your career are the ideal time to see a financial adviser to ensure that your finances are structured in a tax-efficient way.

Building up your assets involves holding on to as much of what you earn as you can. This is key to growing your wealth. Making full use of all your tax allowances is like free money, and it makes a significant difference over time.

Starting financial planning early, as a young professional, gives you a clear advantage

It maximises the potential for investment returns over time and creates a relationship with a trusted adviser, who can stay with you for the long term.