Financial planning and investment management fees

Simple, transparent pricing.

Free discovery meeting

There is no charge for your first meeting with us. This is just your chance to get to know us and see how we can help you.

After the meeting, we will provide you with a free proposal summarising how we plan to help you achieve your goals – and the cost of us doing so. If you accept our proposal, you will be required to pay our initial report fee.
Initial fee

Financial planning report

From £3,500
We will provide you with a personalised financial report detailing an overview and analysis of your current financial circumstances, along with our recommendations.
We will review your protection needs, pensions, savings and investments and identify any tax efficiencies and potential inheritance tax mitigation.
We will also provide you with an analysis of your cash flow and net wealth over time to identify planning requirements to ensure that you are on target to achieve your financial objectives.
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Implementation fee

Implementation of advice

Should you wish to go ahead with the plans proposed in your report, then we will charge a fee to implement our recommendations.
*of your assets under our management, less financial planning report fee.
*Capped at £5,000.
*Dependent on fund/portfolio size and product complexity.
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Ongoing fees

Simple, transparent pricing. Based on your portfolio size.
There will be additional third-party fees – such as platform fees and fund costs. Platform fees are tiered depending on portfolio size, with 0.26% being the highest tier, reducing to 0.05%. Typically, the third-party fees on a £750,000 portfolio invested in our Defensive strategy would be 0.57%.
1%* per annum
*0.25% financial planning and 0.75% investment management.
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0.9% per annum
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0.8% per annum
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By negotiation
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Financial planning fees

We offer a wide range of financial services to ensure you are on track to achieve your goals and are protected against unforeseen circumstances. Each service we provide is presented to you in the form of a Financial Planning Report.

Financial health check

*Depending on the scope of the work involved.
From £3,500*
Key benefits:
Help you to establish clear and realistic financial goals along with a road map of how these can be met.
Provide an overview of your existing financial circumstances.
Provide a comprehensive analysis of your cash flow and net wealth over time to identify planning requirements and to ensure you are on target to achieving your financial objectives.
Ensure that you have adequate liquid assets to meet any near-term financial obligations and unforeseen circumstances.
Ensure that you and/or your family have adequate life insurance in place to maintain your desired lifestyle in the event of death or long-term sickness. We will also ensure that all existing policies are placed into an appropriate trust where appropriate.
Establish your overall investment risk profile that will include: your attitude to investment risk, your capacity for loss, your investment timeline, as well as a target return required to meet your longer-term goals.
Ensure that your investments are structured tax efficiently and in line with meeting your long-term objectives.
Provide a detailed analysis of your existing investments including charging structure, historical performance, risk profile, and how they are currently positioned given the current economic backdrop.
Review your existing pension arrangements and contribution levels, identifying the scope for any unused contribution allowances. We will also ensure that your pension beneficiaries are in place and in line with your wishes as well as identify any restrictions imposed on your existing arrangements that may limit the flexibility of how you are able to access benefits.
Provide you with a plan for how best to allocate your ongoing savings, identifying any unused tax efficiencies and opportunities for inheritance tax mitigation if appropriate.
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Cash flow modelling

*Plus £1,750 for each follow-up cash flow.
£3,500 initial*
Key benefits:
Present you with a forecast of your net wealth and cash flow over time accounting for planned and unforeseen life events. This will provide you with valuable insights into what your financial future looks like and the implication on your finances of the decisions you make now.
Identify how much you should be saving to meet your future retirement goals or how much you could afford to spend in retirement without running out of money.
Demonstrate the most tax-efficient use of your savings and the best way to draw down on your assets in retirement.
Determine what level of protection you need against death or sickness and identify any existing gaps.
Understand the level of investment risk you need to take with your investments.
Stress-test the impact of varying rates of long-term inflation and lower investment returns on your financial plan.
Determine how much money you could afford to gift and the most tax-efficient structures for estate planning.
Model various ‘what-if’ scenarios to better understand the implications on your finances should certain events occur, e.g., retiring early or selling a business.
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Estate planning

*Plus 1% of the value of any new products established.
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Provide you with an overview of your financial situation.
Calculate your current Inheritance Tax liability and identify your scope for gifting.
Ensure that your existing investment structures are in keeping with meeting your wishes and that the appropriate beneficiaries and trusts are in place.
Provide recommendations on the most tax-efficient options available to meet your objectives.

Investment portfolio review

By negotiation*
*With a de minimis fee of £7,500 per annum.
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Provide an overview and detailed analysis of your existing investments with recommendations for any required changes and a suitable course of action.
Ensure your investments are structured tax efficiently and aligned to help you achieve your financial objectives.
Ensure that you have adequate liquid assets to meet any near-term financial obligations and unforeseen circumstances.
Provide you with a plan for how best to allocate future savings.

Life and permanent health insurance

By negotiation*
*With a de minimis fee of £3,500 – to be taken either as commission from the life insurance company or direct invoice.
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Determine the appropriate level of life insurance, critical illness cover, and income protection that would ensure that you and/or your family are able to maintain your desired lifestyle in the event of either death or long-term sickness.
Review your existing protection policies and employment benefits to ensure that they are fit for purpose and good value.
Identify any existing gaps in your protection and help you to prioritise these.
Provide you with cost-effective and comprehensive policy recommendations to fill any gaps in your cover.
Ensure that you have Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney in place and that they are in line with your wishes.
Ensure that any existing and recommended policies are placed into appropriate trust structures to expedite the payment of benefits, minimise any potential Inheritance Tax liability and ensure that benefits are passed in accordance with your wishes.


Defined benefit pension transfer advice

*Plus a facilitation fee of 0.5% of the transfer value.
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Undertake a comprehensive analysis of your existing Defined Benefit Scheme(s) for transfer to an appropriate Self-Invested Personal Pension arrangement.
Ensure you are fully aware of the implications of transferring your pension and all the options available to you. We will demonstrate how our advice to transfer (or not) is in your best interest and in line with helping you to achieve your financial goals.
Address the pension Lifetime Allowance (LTA) and the need for Fixed/Individual Pension Protection where appropriate.
Calculate any unused pension annual allowances and provide recommendations on current and future contribution levels.
Ensure that you have pension beneficiaries in place and that they are in keeping with your wishes.

Pension lifetime allowance analysis

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Provide you with an overview of your pension benefits.
Protect pension benefits from the Pension Lifetime Allowance by applying for Fixed or Individual Protection 16.
Establish your proximity to the pension Lifetime Allowance and the best way for you to structure pension benefits going forward.
Undertake the Age 75 test against the pension Lifetime Allowance.

Accessing pension benefits

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Provide you with an overview of your pension benefits and your options for accessing benefits.
Provide recommendations on the most tax-efficient way to draw on your pension benefits to meet your lump sum or income requirements.
Ensure that appropriate beneficiaries are in place and that future Inheritance Tax liabilities are minimised.
Provide advice on the best way for you to reduce the impact of the pension Lifetime Allowance charge on your benefits.
Ensure that your existing pension arrangements offer you the maximum flexibility in how you can both access and pass on death benefits.

Pension consolidation

£1,750 per pension*
*With a de minimis fee of £3,500.
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Provide you with an overview of your existing pension plans and their features and benefits to ensure that consolidation is in your best interest.
Recommend a suitable pension to transfer your existing plans into that potentially offers you greater flexibility in how you can both access and pass on benefits as well as in the range of investment options available.
Ensure your pension plans are managed by your chosen investment manager in line with your risk profile and objectives.
Simplify the process of accessing your pension or passing on death benefits.
Potentially reduce your ongoing administration fees.
Address the pension Lifetime Allowance (LTA) and the need for Fixed/Individual Pension Protection where appropriate.
Calculate any unused pension annual allowances and provide recommendations on current and future contribution levels.
Ensure that you have pension beneficiaries in place and that they are in keeping with your wishes.