How To Register For IQ Wealth

To register for an IQ Wealth account, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the IQ Wealth Registration page using the link below.

  1. Enter the PIN 123456 and your National Insurance number in the following format – AB123456C.
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  3. Click Next.


  1. Review the rest of the contact details. If you are happy with them, click Next.
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  1. Review the address and contact details that have been prepopulated, if these have changed please update them here. Click Next.
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  1. You will receive the below message.
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  1. Next, you will receive an email containing a hyperlink to complete the process. Click on the hyperlink.
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  1. You will be redirected to the page below. Click Continue.
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  1. Re-enter your National Insurance number and click Next.
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  1. Create a password containing at least 7 characters, including upper and lower case letters, and at least 1 special character (!, ?, & etc.). Click Next.
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  1. Input answers to two security questions. Make sure these are memorable as they will assist if you need to do a password reset. Click Next.
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  1. You will come to a page that asks if you wish to share information with anyone outside of IQ. You can proceed with “No”. Click Next.
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  3. An email address should already be pre-populated. If you wish to amend it, feel free to do so.
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  5. Agree to the Terms and Conditions by checking the box. Click Next.
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15. You will receive the below message, click Finish.


  1. You will be redirected to the homepage.
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You can continue to use this on your device or you can download the IQ Wealth app from either the App Store or Google Play and use the login details you have created using the steps above.