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The Lowdown

Interest rates hold steady

In a surprise move, UK interest rates have been left unchanged – but at 5.25%, they are still at their highest for 15 years. Price rises appear to be slowing faster than expected, but there are increasing signs that higher rates are starting to hurt the UK economy, according to the Bank of England.
Peter Lowman
September 27, 2023
6 min read
The Lowdown

India’s ascent to superpower status

The financial markets remain focused on inflation and the labour market. But rising oil prices are also a factor in an increasingly complex equation. As the end of the UK’s current interest rate hike cycle comes into view, growth looks set to slow dramatically in China as its economic outlook worsens. Meanwhile, a new superpower is being born…
Peter Lowman
September 12, 2023
6 min read
The Lowdown

World's Key Central Banker Meetup | Insights by Peter Lowman

This week our CIO looks at the aftermath of the Jackson Hole Symposium, such as the Fed's commitment to defeating inflation and maintaining pressure through interest rate hikes. He discusses the BRICS summit and the potential impact of its expansion. Investors should remain disciplined and patient, particularly as we head into September, which is a historically volatile month for the markets.
Peter Lowman
August 29, 2023
7 min read
The Lowdown

Summertime Pullback: Buying Opportunity for Investors | Peter Lowman

As China’s economy falters, inflation continues to trend down in the US and there are grounds for optimism on this side of the Atlantic. The UK economy grew faster than expected in the second quarter, and the recent pullback is the perfect buying opportunity for those investors who have been playing it safe up until now.
Peter Lowman
August 15, 2023
4 min read
The Lowdown

Growth and stability for the markets?

The UK may have the highest debt interest costs in the developed world. The Bank of Japan made a surprise decision on its bond market and yield curve control, and Germany heavily invests in the semiconductor industry. Overall, the markets are enjoying some stability at last.
Peter Lowman
August 1, 2023
7 min read
The Lowdown

The US tames inflation

The US has successfully tamed inflation, unlike the Bank of England which faces the need for further interest rate hikes. The global economy undergoes a shift from a binary state to a more balanced one.
Peter Lowman
July 18, 2023
6 min read